These are my 30 “must follow” twitter accounts to learn and stay up to date with the crypto world!
1) Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Undoubtly one of the most respected experts in Bitcoin. Andreas is an information security expert, entrepreneur and author. He travels around the world sharing his knowledge about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. He is currently CTO of Third Key Solutions.
2) Charlie Lee
Charlie is the creator of Litecoin and is in charge of it’s public image.
4) Vitalik Buterin
Co -creator and the face of Ethereum. He’s highly identified with Ethereum and there’s certain controversy about how much influence Vitailk has in the Ethereum project.
5) Charles Hoskinson — @IOHK_Charles
Charles Hoskinson is the co-founder of Ethereum and CEO of IOHK Foundation, one of the institutions behind the Cardano crpytocurreny ADA.
6) Gavin Andresen
Declared by Satoshi Nakamoto as Lead Developer for the reference implementation of Bitcoin client software after Satoshi Nakamoto announced his departure. He leads the Bitcoin Core Foundation.
7) Roger Ver — @rogerkver
Early bitcoin investor and evalngelist — Also known as “Jesus Bitcoin”. He was general director of MemoryDealers company, which was the first business to officialy accept Bitcoin as a payment method.
8) Nick Szabo — @nickszabo4
Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts pioneer.
8) Jeff Garzik
Jeff Garzik is an experienced Bitcoin developer. He worked in Bitpay and nowadays is the co-founder of Bloq.
9) Jameson Lopp
James is a Cypherpunk, engineer at @BitGo and the creator of
10) Charlie Shrem — @CharlieShrem
Charlie Shrem is a Bitcoin pioneer and founder of and
11) Jimmy Song
Jimmy Song is a Bitcoin Developer and Entrepreneur.
12) Bitcoin Core Project — @bitcoincoreorg
The Official Bitcoin Core Feed.
13) Vlad Zamfir
Vlad Zamfir is one of the most well-known Ethereum developers.
14) Input Output Hong Kong — @InputOutputHK
IOHK is a research and development company committed to using the peer-to-peer innovations of blockchain to build accessible financial services for all.
15) Santiago Siri
Santiago Siri is an Argentinean entrepreneur and founder of Democracy Earth Project.
16) Ivan On Tech — @IvanOnTech
Ivan runs the Youtube Channel Ivan On Tech he is a developer and blockchain technology evangelist.
17) CryptoLark — @TheCryptoLark
CrpytoLark is a youtuber who makes crpyto news rounds up, ICO evaluation and interviews with a variety of cryptocurrencies projects.
18) Ethereum Network — @EthereumNetw
The 24 most important Ethereum news of the day
18) Cardano Foundation — @CardanoStiftung
Not por proifit regulated entity that is the custodial organisation of the Cardano blockchain technology and ADA coin.
19) Bitcoin News official twitter account. The latest Bitcoin news and services.
20) ethereum
Ethereum Official Account
21) Litcoin Foundation — @LTCFoundation
The official twitter of Litcoin foundation
22) Ripple
The official account of Ripple
23) Bitcoin Foundation
The oldest and largest Bitcoin advocacy organization. They provide co-ordination & raise awareness of the benefits, uses & technology requirements of Bitcoin.
24) Bitcoin Magazine
The official twitter account of Bitcoin magazine
25) Joseph Lubin — @ethereumJoseph
Joseph is another Ethereum co-founder, and founder of a blockchain software production studio called ConsenSys
26) Alex Sunnarborg — @alexsunnarborg
Alex is a former research analyst at the digital asset broker Coinbase and is founding partner at Tetras Capital, a hedge fund that focuses on diversified blockchain, crypto and digital assets. He’s also on CoinDesk’s list of top 10 traders and analysts. He’s good for charts, stats and more.
27) Adam Back
Adam is a cypherpunk, cryptographer and inventor of hashcash (used in Bitcoin mining)
28) Blockchain — @Blockchain official twitter account.
29) Erik Voorhees
Erik is an American / Panamanian startup founder. He is co-founder of Coinapult, worked as Director of Marketing at BitInstant, and was founder and partial owner of the bitcoin gambling website Satoshi Dice. He is also the creator and CEO of the instant bitcoin and altcoin exchange
30) Jon Matonis
Jon Matonis is an e-money researcher and author of “The Monetary Future” at Forbes. He’s also a board advisor to startups in bitcoin, gaming, mobile & prepaid.
Which others twitter acount would you recommend? Please levae a comment!